Our corporate responsibility goals guide our CR approach, help define our materiality topics and provide a gauge by which we measure our progress. How successful have we been in meeting the short- and long-term targets we’ve set for attaining these goals?
Goals Progress
Surpassed 40% Target: We reduced CO2e from sustainability projects by about 1.5 times that of our 2020 baseline.
Surpassed 15+ Target: 19 communities increased resilience in 2023 with our assistance.
Surpassed 20% Target: 52% of our R&D supports environmental and social outcomes.
Making Progress on 50%: While we saw no increase in projects aimed specifically at achieving net-zero energy, projects with other energy reduction goals have continued to grow.
Making Progress on 25%: We’re setting a baseline against which we can measure progress toward our target of 25% reduction in embodied carbon in structural frames and continue to annually report to the Structural Engineers 2050 Commitment (SE 2050) on embodied carbon in our projects.
Surpassed 4.2% Target: We reduced Scope 2 emissions between 2022 and 2023 by 43%.
Making Progress on 2.0 MT: We came close to achieving our target. We achieved a 2.34 MT CO2e per-person carbon footprint in 2022, and came closer in 2023, with a per-person carbon footprint of 2.05 MT CO2e.
Making Progress on 5%: Our absolute operational emissions between 2022 and 2023 fell by 3.5%. In 2024, several offices will move to more energy-efficient spaces per our office fit-out policy, which should lead to greater emissions reductions.
Making Progress on 2.5%: We did not reduce our Scope 3 emissions between 2022 and 2023. In 2024, we will align our reductions with the SBTi program and focus our efforts on Scope 3 emissions.
Surpassed 75% Target: 87% of employees surveyed state that they are involved in one or more ED&I activities.
Met 75% Target: Over 70% of employees surveyed report that they are impacted positively by our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion initiative.
Met 100% Target: 100% of employees surveyed indicate that they are familiar with our ED&I initiative.
Met 2x Target: Since 2019, we’ve seen a 200% rise in the number of women shareholders and shares held by women.
Making Progress on 5+: In 2023, we had three employee network groups (Women@TT, Mosaic and Spectrum). While we might add more ENGs in the future, our current focus is on developing a strategic direction for the ED&I program following the hire of our first ED&I officer.
Surpassed 80% Target: 96% of employees surveyed say they’re satisfied with workplace flexibility.
Surpassed 60% Target: A recent survey indicated that 73% of employees engaged in at least one wellness program activity.
Surpassed 80% Target: 85% of employees surveyed state that they’re satisfied with company benefits.
Surpassed 10% Target: Between 2022 and 2023, service hours documented on time sheets grew by 55%.
Making Progress on 100%: 64% of employees surveyed felt they had unfettered access to community service opportunities. Lack of time during the workday and not being aware of the benefit are the most common reasons given for not participating. We’re increasing the number of employees engaged in community service by bringing more awareness to volunteer opportunities and surveying employees to understand the challenges.
Making Progress on 30%: 18% of employees recorded Thornton Tomasetti Gives Back labor codes, indicating their use of paid hours for community service, on their time sheets in 2023. We expect to see more employees claiming community-service hours as awareness increases.
Making Progress on 90%: 67% of U.S. offices with access to the ACE Mentor Program are involved in the program. The program operates only in the U.S. and Canada. Only our smallest offices, with fewer than 10 employees, don’t participate. We expect greater involvement as these locations grow.
Met 100% Goal: 100% of employees have the opportunity to participate in our mentorship program.
Making Progress on 70%: 58% of employees are engaged in knowledge-sharing initiatives, such as our communities of practice. Membership will grow as we add communities focused on new topics.
2023: We Met Our Short-Term Targets
Last year, we shared three short-term targets to achieve by 2023, important steps toward achieving our corporate responsibility goals. We met all three. Here’s how:
20% of R&D Focused on Environmental or Social Outcomes
In pursuit of our goal of demonstrating positive environmental and social impacts across all practices, between 2022 and 2023 we increased the percentage of research and development projects we funded that are aimed at achieving environmental and social outcomes. In 2023, we funded 29 R&D projects proposed by staff through our innovation challenge. Fifteen of those, or 52%, met our criteria for this target. This funding supports exploration of such potential projects as increasing the capabilities of Beacon, our embodied-carbon measurement and tracking tool; using machine learning to develop a new method for evaluating bird-friendly glazing; and development of a natural ventilation calculator.
Maintain Over 80% Satisfaction With Flexibility
One way we pursue our goal of supporting a healthy workplace is to allow employees the flexibility to manage their personal and workplace responsibilities. Benefits can include increased productivity, stress reduction, improved employee satisfaction and reduced attrition. In an employee survey with a participation rate of 87%, 96% of respondents reported that they are satisfied with workplace flexibility, given the demands of their job. The responses show high satisfaction for both women and men.
Increase Community Service Hours by 10% Over 2022
In 2023, we saw a large jump of 55% over the previous year in community-service hours recorded on employee time sheets. We support our employees’ passion for community service through our Thornton Tomasetti Gives Back program, which pays employees to participate in local volunteer days, mentor students, and help disadvantaged communities. Community-service hours dropped during the COVID-19 pandemic but have gradually risen back to prepandemic levels.
2024: We Look Ahead to Achieving These Short-Term Targets
We’re working to achieve these short-term targets by the end of 2024, moving us closer to achieving our corporate responsibility goals. We’ll report our progress in spring 2025, with the release of our next report.
- Set a baseline for achieving a 25% reduction in embodied carbon in structural frames.
- Reduce Scope 3 emissions by 2.5% from 2023 to align with the Science Based Targets initiative.
- Increase employee engagement in community service to 30%.